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How Having a Routine Can Help You GET SH*T DONE

You wake up early, and you hate it! Totally hate it!

I’ve been there before, trying to get out of bed at 5:00 am, and just loathing the whole process. Or trying to get that workout in at the gym, and again, same emotions arise, you just don’t want to do this.



This is your issue, you’re just f****** lazy, and you don’t feel like putting in the work. We all go through it, don’t worry, you’re not alone. But let’s backwards-engineer a bit.

Laziness is the war, and all the stuff beforehand is the preparation, the little battles, that need to be experienced before you face LAZINESS. The beginning is the idea, the idea of change, of implementing something new that can eventually change the course of your life, because at the moment you might not like it so much. Maybe what you’re doing each and everyday is painful, and not in a physical sense, but in a sense that you are wasting a lot of your time, either on pointless shit, or no shit whatsoever.


We are CREATIVES, and our creative flow cannot be routinised. And at first thought, that makes sense, we are creative beings, with potential beyond understanding. BUT, this idea of doing it when we „feel” like doing it, will only dig you deeper into your own shit.

Having a routine doesn’t mean that you’re restricting that creative flow, it will only allow for more to „flow” in. Because routines don’t necessarily have to be restraining, they don’t have to feel like they are putting your life in a box, there is ways around that. But yes, the truth is that routines, at the beginning will be a difficulty, and a pain in the ass, because they change the way you operate. Now operating with a sense of discipline, rather than laziness. And this is a big change for anyone just starting out, and not yet used to „getting things done”, it’s not an overnight process.


When you begin to have a more strict approach to what will happen with your time on a daily basis, you can finally organise your life by structuring your routine based on priority. And this is crucial, because you will begin to notice the „important” activities, vs the not-so-important ones. Once this realisation comes into play, you will now be able to put more time into the things that actually matter, and create the future which you desire.

And this is what we try to achieve with routines, to try and maximise the output of work that will get you closer to your goal! This is why routines are important. They’re not just routines, for the sake of having a more structured day, but to help you understand how to „use” those precious minutes more wisely each day. And to give you a reality-shock, that your time is supremely precious, and if you’re wasting that time watching television, that’s one hour cut away from your life.


You will go through a lot of different types of routines at the beginning, but you just have to stick to the idea of prioritising your time. We are always changing, and our routines must always adopt to that change, whether it’s because we’re growing up, or changing cities, or even careers; reframe and restructure your routine to fit your life. You life is constantly going to experience change, but you must accept this as part of learning, because the more you learn about how you operate, the better your prioritisation of time becomes. And soon enough you will be unstoppable, no more will you blame circumstances for loss of time, or for being unproductive, you will understand that it’s all up to you how your time is being spent.


Ok, just to summarise. Routines are the beginning step to discipline, because they help an individual realise that his time is precious. Once an individual begins to routinise his life, tasks of priority come into view, because now he is aware of how and on what he is spending his time. Then, the individual realises that time is a precious resource and through this he makes sure that his time is given only to tasks that bring him closer to his goal or life mission. Eventually the individual goes through many routines, ones that fail, and ones which succeed in bringing him results. This way the individual can apply ideas, and actions from the many routines that he has experience and form a powerful routine that caters to his reality. And while he goes through all of this, he is learning how to overcome challenges and how to operate more effectively in the world.

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