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2020: The Year That Will Change All

It's 2020. Finally, the year we've all been waiting for, the year that will change everything. Well... not really. If we don't change something, the year won't have a big influence on us.

I'm starting my year here in Kraków. I'm broke. But, I got a pair of pants, a sweater, and a few more belongings, got 200 euros, got my camera with that old broken lens - will buy a new one though. Got a phone, and a laptop, as well as a few documents at my Grandma's.

I decided that I'm not gonna live with my Grandma, it's too far, it's in the middle of nowhere and I need some stimulation. I need those city vibes, and Krakóws' got them.

But how does one survive on 200 euros, when a month of rent is twice that much. I honestly don't know yet, but I'm not afraid, I'm excited. But Kamil! WTF? no money, how the FK?... Well. I realised something important a few days ago, and maybe being broke gave me the pleasure of realising this - it's that life is not a serious endeavour, rather it's a fun game. And each phase or experience is a story. And life is made up of many of these stories to create one BIG one!

I know I might sound a bit crazy, but I've done this before. I lived in a van. I lived in a church. I lived on a friends coach. So maybe this won't be too bad. It will be just another story to add onto the repretuar.

I got a place booked for 12 days in Kraków, and that give me some time to set a few things up, get to know some people, get a gig here and there, and maybe even get a part time jobs. It's all an adventure, the adventure of physical human life. And no worries I got plan b, plan c, I'm not completely crazy.

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